Still here

13 July 2021, 19:03I really want a bottle of Veuve Cliquot Rich*. I need to pour a glass of champagne and sip on it, letting the soft bubbles dance on my tongue before swallowing it down and feeling the absolute luxury that comes with drinking something tart out of a fancy flute. I also liveContinue reading “Still here”

[Profile]: Foyinsola Ogunrombi is Quietly Building An Empire

If you follow @foyinog on Twitter, you will see a few things: a love for black women and their talents and skills, an occasional dragging of problematic faves and followers, and some choice musings about varsity life, her mom’s jollof, and how to steer clear of demons (i.e. boys who want to steal your glowContinue reading “[Profile]: Foyinsola Ogunrombi is Quietly Building An Empire”

[Film Review]: Bypass is A Brilliant Local Medical Thriller with Heart

What lengths would you go to, to protect the ones you love? This is a question poised and then beautifully answered in Bianca Schmitz, Diane Vermooten and Shane Vermooten’s Bypass. Dr Lisa Cooper (Natalie Becker) one of the country’s top surgeons, is the mother of young Sam (Joel Brown), who is in desperate need ofContinue reading “[Film Review]: Bypass is A Brilliant Local Medical Thriller with Heart”

[Film Review]: "Love By Chance"

In Love by Chance, Bailey Kingston (Altovise Lawrence) and Chance Xolani Crawford (Atandwa Kani) are two South African Hollywood hopefuls who meet at an audition on an off-chance. They are both working hard to land a role – any role – and prove to themselves that they really can make it in America.  Samad Davis’sContinue reading “[Film Review]: "Love By Chance"”

[Theatre] : Experiencing A Pop Culture Phenomenon – West Side Story

West Side Story. For years I have been picking up references to this play in books, TV shows, and movies. Just like The Lion King, it was one of those pop culture things that I just knew about, without actually knowing any detail. It’s that Romeo and Juliet adaptation – the one with the songContinue reading “[Theatre] : Experiencing A Pop Culture Phenomenon – West Side Story”

Thoughts while Watching The Lion King

So last night, while the internet was down, I did something major: I watched The Lion King for the first time in my life. Yes, yes, I know. How can a sane South African go almost 21 years without watching the biggest movie of all time?I dunno, man – it just happened. We didn’t watchContinue reading “Thoughts while Watching The Lion King”

That Time I Read Cosmo – and Unleashed a Hurricane of Judgment on Them

I have never been the biggest fan of Cosmopolitan magazine, mainly because it looks so intimidating. What business do I have reading about “50 new moves that will keep you and your man red hot in the bedroom this winter” , or anything else along those lines? I haven’t done any conclusive research, but IContinue reading “That Time I Read Cosmo – and Unleashed a Hurricane of Judgment on Them”

[Firsts]: I Went to Charly’s Bakery!

Last week Thursday I finally did what all tourists probably do on their very first night in Cape Town: I took a trip to the famous Charly’s Bakery. I don’t know why it has taken me so long to get there, since it is not that difficult to find once you’re near the Cape TownContinue reading “[Firsts]: I Went to Charly’s Bakery!”

[Magazines]: New Editor for ELLE South Africa (+ A Note on Content and Representation)

The September 2014 issue of ELLE magazine was the final edition produced with Jackie Burger at the helm.For as long as I have been reading ELLE seriously, I have enjoyed seeing the changes in the content and layout of the magazine under the supervision of the always sophisticated Ms Burger.Also noteworthy were her editor’s pageContinue reading “[Magazines]: New Editor for ELLE South Africa (+ A Note on Content and Representation)”

[Movie Review]: Between Friends

Anytime I hear that a 100% locally-produced movie is going onto the cinema circuit, I get excited. I want to see South African movies getting as much love at the box office as American and European ones: we have just as much talent, and our stories deserve to be told on the big screen. ThisContinue reading “[Movie Review]: Between Friends”