My Rates

Here’s what it will cost for us to work together.

Important to note: I will ask that 50% of the agreed-upon rate be paid upfront, with the balance being paid at the end of the project, i.e. when the last edit is handed in. Alternatively, no more than 30 days should pass between the last edit being handed in and the balance being paid.


Editing is calculated at a per hour rate, based on relationships I have built and on South African freelance rate guidelines.

Copy editing (fiction and non-fiction manuscripts that require light to medium editing)
R400 per hour

Substantive editing (restructuring manuscripts: developing authors’ ideas, helping with language and keeping to the overall message of the book)
R450 per hour

Developmental editing (working with an author on the draft before a first draft; constructing ideas and guiding the writing process)
R550 per hour


Basic proofreading (checking a manuscript that has been through the editing process and is being prepared for printing; using proofreading marks [preferred] or notes on a PDF)
R500 per hour


This includes features, social media copy, media releases and any similar work that comes in. I am providing one rate because all work includes research, and time spent on that should be accounted for.
R600 per hour


Consultation includes any work that does not fall into the above categories, i.e. email or phone conversations where a client asks for my assistance or wants to make use of my expertise to answer a few questions. Any language work such as casual translation of copy or consultation on the rules of word usage will be billed.

R950 per consultation. If the consultation leads to different kinds of editing work, the fee will be adjusted accordingly.