Welcome to my mind

Christmas Tree Green

I should have gone for red. Or, better yet, I should have stuck with my original plan, which was to not get any colour at all, because I wanted a break. I also didn’t want colour because I didn’t want to pay a lot of money. Instead, when she handed me the colour swatches, I…

Here we go again

I’m going back to the office tomorrow and I’ve just spent the past 20 minutes trying to remember my Sage password so I can book leave. The idea of having to go back to the office is making me miserable. Do I have a stable job? Yes. Is that all I have ever wanted? Yes.…

Do violent criminals need more views?

The news is all bad – terrible governments, a climate crisis, capitalism rapidly driving society into decline and little regard for human life are all we see, all the time.  Entertainment follows suit, with production houses churning out film, music, television and books that focus on the many kinds of violence present in daily life. …

Can he make your dreams come true?

Fantasy It’s Valentine’s Day. I have woken up single and I have to work. It’s just an ordinary day. But I do have something to look forward to: the slab of chocolate in the fridge and tonight’s trip to the cinema. I have decided I need to leave the house to really cement my “I…


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