Do violent criminals need more views?

The news is all bad – terrible governments, a climate crisis, capitalism rapidly driving society into decline and little regard for human life are all we see, all the time.  Entertainment follows suit, with production houses churning out film, music, television and books that focus on the many kinds of violence present in daily life. Continue reading “Do violent criminals need more views?”

Can he make your dreams come true?

Fantasy It’s Valentine’s Day. I have woken up single and I have to work. It’s just an ordinary day. But I do have something to look forward to: the slab of chocolate in the fridge and tonight’s trip to the cinema. I have decided I need to leave the house to really cement my “IContinue reading “Can he make your dreams come true?”

Are we sure “working” is a good idea?

In 2022, I found out what kind of work I can do. In the early stages, I lead with two points: am I good at it, and does it pay. The first, because I didn’t want work, which I have enjoyed less and less since my retrenchment in 2019, to eat away at my life.Continue reading “Are we sure “working” is a good idea?”

Everything reminds me of him

The only reason I can tolerate two men on YouTube laughing behind mics is because of him. I always listened to music and podcasts. I hated that he listened to loud rappers saying misogynistic things and making dumb jokes for hours on end. But it was the soundtrack of being at his place. Hearing theContinue reading “Everything reminds me of him”

Still here. Still spiralling.

[18 October 2022] Hello friends, I haven’t spoken to you in a long time. I’m sorry but there have just been so many things going on in my heart and in my mind and I don’t know how to untangle any of it and bring it to you. I’ve been in another failed “relationship”. WeContinue reading “Still here. Still spiralling.”

How to manifest the love of your life

An early scene in Bus 7070 shows Rita (Cintaine Schutte), a postal worker, on her knees in the lounge, doing a series of stretches while listening to a motivational tape on a Walkman. The steady, quiet and stern voice of an older man tells Rita to repeat a mantra: “I am more than enough. IContinue reading “How to manifest the love of your life”